Wirral U16 vs Liverpool Academy

Sunday 26 February 2023 12:00

MVL WD2 home double header vs Liverpool Academy

Venue: Woodchurch HS, 11.00am

As Liverpool had kindly agreed to rearrange when we couldn't make their home fixture we played back to back games at Woodchurch.

Team: Kate Leppington (captain), Yan Xi Chen, Abi Larway, Lily Prosser, Liv Stewart, Sadie Capstick, Emily Foster


Match 1 Wirral U16s won 3-0, 25-16, 25-14, 25-16

Match 2 Wirral U16s won 3-0, 25-12, 25-23, 25-18

The half-term holiday caused us some problems as 5 of our players weren’t available, including both regular setters. Liv Stewart, Sadie Capstick and Emily Foster came in from our Thursday night training group to fill the gaps and proved to be good enough to give us two useful wins. Academy were inconsistent and error prone and really struggled with serve receive, never managing to come to terms with Abi’s strong flat floating serve. Liv had a tough job filling in as setter - a big ask for a year 9 who has only played one game before - but she did well enough, serving well, winning some points on the net and setting up a few good attacks. Other than that it was really a  case of getting the ball into their half and waiting for them to make mistakes.

Katie did an outstanding captain’s job helping the new players and keeping our team rotation in some sort of order

Round 3 of Volleyball England’s U16 Grand Prix is scheduled for March 11th. VE asked us to host but unfortunatley the hall has been booked for a basketball tournament so we’ll have to wait and see where we have to go. Hopefully we’ll have more of our regular players available then.